Mike Bailey-Gates, age 16
Come on. He is 16 years old, or at least he was when he made his flickr profile. Ok I just read he was born in 1993, so there is the answer. Mike Bailey-Gates is a photographer from Rhode Island and I swear I have seen the above image floating around for a while, I just never looked at his other work. I am spellbound, you will be spellbound, and I’m not sure what emotion I experience when I realize how young this talent is. Is it jealousy? Is it admiration? He’s clearly consistent in his work, his other photographs are just as stunning, but this one (above) I think is stands out. So much story, so much visual interest. What an absolute success of a shot. I tip my hat, and I can’t tear my eyes away. Excellent work, Mr. Bailey-Gates.
It looks like his work really began to be recognized and sought in 2010, but his interest in photography began when he was 13. What is one to do when they realize themselves at an early age but engage? It seems wonderful to have found the path while being so young. And rare. Perhaps that adds 10% to the sparkle of these images. Undeniable youth. Seems clear to me at least. Photostream.

I seem to remember being interested in photography for many years before I bought a camera, simply because I couldn’t convince my parents to get me one before then. I still get shit from my dad for buying an ENTRY LEVEL dslr and I bought the damn thing with hard earned money. Either way, I doubt me getting a camera much younger would have helped me compete against a kid like this. Jesus.
For sure. Inability to compete versus general interest may be two totally different points of view. I remember an early interest also, playing with filters that screwed onto the end of my fathers lens at Canon Beach. I recall standing on furniture trying to get new angles, and not ever taking anything worth sharing. But it was interest, not “photography” per se. Tinkering, perhaps. Sometimes tinkering leads to careers. As in with this gentlemen here.